Stone Cabin |
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony May 25, 2006
2004 - 2006
At the end of 2003 the Historical Society became the owners of the property where the Stone Cabin and Mount Vernon Iron Furnace is located. The Eutsey Family donated the property to the Society. The Cabin was built in the 1930's and was originally used by the local Boy Scouts years ago. With our sights set on turning the old Stone Cabin into our Meeting Place and Welcome Center, we knew it would take a lot of hard work. There was absolutely nothing inside or out that was usable except for the stone walls and the fireplace. The cabin was completely gutted. Restrooms were added and the Heating System, Wiring, and Roof were all replaced. The wooden floor was repaired and refinished. The property was cleaned up and Landscaping has begun. With the Cabin project almost complete, we can now focus on the Stabilization and Restoration of the Mount Vernon Furnace.
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